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How we use your personal informationUpdated 6 months ago

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided (unless you have consented to the information being used for a secondary purpose) or as part of our normal operations including product supply/delivery, billing/administrative purposes, warranty related, training staff, risk management, undertaking planning/analysis and any other purpose for which you have given your consent. 

We may include your personal information in a database compiled by us for use in any direct marketing by us or running competitions and other promotions. These activities may be conducted via mail, telephone, SMS, email, or any other electronic means. If you do not wish to receive such material you can opt-out through any opt-out mechanism contained in any marketing communication to you or by contacting our Privacy Officer.


We may also put together data from the information we already have about a customer so we can offer and suggest a variety of products, deals or offers and features to our customer, or customise the website experience for the customer. 

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